Bahai Community Building Teaching math and spiritual empowerment I met a student and his mom at their home, and as soon as I walked in I knew they couldn’t afford $25 an hour for tutorials.
Arts and Social Change Jazz and the oneness of humanity When you become a Baha'i you haven't suddenly arrived at some mystical destination where you don't have to work on these issues.
Bahai Community Finding the Baha’is through 1970s soft rock Tavoria Kellam: A man I didn’t know walked up to me and said, I bet you’re thinking about the Baha’i faith. And I was.
Arts and Social Change The Black Church: a spiritual and musical legacy Van Gilmer: The minister talked about us being one family, and about loving one another. And that stayed with me.
Arts and Social Change Introducing gospel music to the Baha'i community Van Gilmer: Singing the gospel music brought to many of us, who are African-Americans, the reality of the Baha’i Faith. We knew it included everybody.
Racism in America Urban redevelopment and race My field, urban planning, has destroyed many African-American communities. I saw it as my charge to address that.