Racial Identity A family of preachers and singers The black church was a phenomenal spiritual education.
Racism in America Learning from teaching about race Kids of color get suspended 5-6 times as often as white kids for the same infraction.
Racism in America Accepting that racism is a system Less than 10% of people on the planet control about 80% of the world’s wealth – and the majority are of European descent.
Racial Identity Hold on, just a little while longer I began to understand the oneness of religion after an old Czech woman told me she knew my grandmother in her heart.
Bahai Religion From Christian to Baha’i – via Christ In the Bible we’re told to watch and pray, that Christ will come again like a thief in the night.
Bahai Community Learning to pray in a diverse community Worship is an intimate act – you’re opening your heart to encounter the divine in the presence of others.
Bahai Community Filling institutions with the spirit of oneness The Baha’i teachings say it’s mandatory for our spirits and hearts to eradicate racism.
Bahai Religion A fountain of light Baha’u’llah says people of African descent are the “pupil of the eye” – it has caused me to reflect on my role in this world.
Racial Unity Taking the medicine If we had prejudice before, we’re going to have it as Baha’is. The difference is we’ve agreed to work it out.