Racial Identity Super minority My school was whittling our classes down to math, reading and gym – so my mom switched me to a rich white school.
Racial Identity Feeling like an outsider I just wanted a sense of belonging – so I thought I’d become a Christian. But then I went to Baha’i youth groups.
Bahai Community Building Believing in race unity demands work Today’s world influences our thinking in terms of race and class – even if we already believe in unity in diversity.
Bahai Community Standing up for the wellbeing of all Baha’is are supposed to be champions of justice – to stand up for humanitarian issues.
Bahai Community A devotional culture African-Americans know how to come together to pray – they can offer this to Baha’i communities.
Racial Discrimination Incarceration, race & class as a career Labelling young people as irredeemable doesn’t help them to come out of prison and to contribute to society.
Racism in America The spiritual roots of racism Hopelessness comes from not knowing how to change root problems – the Baha’i writings have the power to transform our hearts.
Bahai Community Building Meaningful conversations that address racism Baha’i activities in gentrifying Brooklyn help us to build friendships with people from different backgrounds.